South Tampa Real Estate Report
South Tampa Real Estate Market Report | January 2 2018 - January 9, 2018
As we enter 2018, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of Palermo Real Estate Professionals, be it as a client, referral source, business partner or friend.
We saw record sales volume in 2016 and, with your continued support, we surpassed those figures in 2017... another record year!
For the year 2017, we ranked in the top 10 of all brokerages and as the 3rd largest independent brokerage for sales volume in S. Tampa. With your help, we plan to improve upon those rankings in 2018.
Starting with this report, we're making a concerted effort to keep you informed of what's happening here at Palermo Real Estate Professionals and in the local real estate market. To that end, we'll be putting together relevant weekly data mixed with any important industry news. No recipes or how to's, just quick bits of information to keep you abreast of what's happening in our world of real estate.
If you'd like to see different information, let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate.
I hope you enjoy the information and find it useful in your day to day conversations.
Thank you again for you support of Palermo Real Estate Professionals!
Michael J. Palermo